Stem Cell Banking

October 1, 2018

Rapaport Plastic Surgery is the first Aesthetic Practice in New York City to harvest fat during a liposuction procedure for the banking and storage of stem cells under the care of Forever Labs Inc.

Why Store Young Stem Cells?

The term “stem cell” refers to a special type of cell, which under certain circumstances, can develop into a variety of tissue types (including nerve or muscle). There are currently many studies underway in the United States and throughout the world, which are exploring a variety of potentially life-saving uses for stem cells. In recent years, stem cells have been found to exist within our normal fatty tissue. At Rapaport Plastic Surgery, we offer our liposuction patients the option of having some of their fat, which would otherwise be discarded, harvested for extraction and banking of stem cells. The goal is to preserve stem cells for possible use in future treatments, such as combatting age-related diseases.

Our partner, Forever Labs, Inc., was established to preserve young adult stem cells with the goal of helping people live a longer, healthier life. Backed by scientists with decades of experience, Forever Labs banks young adult stem cells so they are safe, healthy, and preserved, ready for use as future regenerative therapies are developed and released.

About Stem Cells and Regeneration

Your stem cells change as you age, losing some natural capacity to trigger cell rebuilding and regeneration. Banking youthful stem cells gives you long-term access to a reserve of your own natural, youthful stem cells – those that retain a high level of regenerative capacity.

The process of banking stem cells can be achieved through two processes: a small sample of your fatty tissue can be harvested with liposuction. Fat tissue contains a high concentration of stem cells, and a one-time collection and purification of these cells can preserve them while they are in their most effective state.


Benefits of Stem Cell Banking:

Anti-Aging: Young stem cells are expected to be a vital component in rejuvenation therapies now in development. Storing and preserving young stem cells now can allow for a future treatment that may help you live a healthier, longer life.

  • Anti-Aging: Young stem cells are expected to be a vital component in rejuvenation therapies now in development. Storing and preserving young stem cells now can allow for a future treatment that may help you live a healthier, longer life.
  • Healthier Life: Stem cells have the remarkable capacity to replenish and support blood, bone, immune system, and all other vital body tissues. Research has led many in the scientific community to conclude that a decline in the quantity of stem cells may play a critical role body aging.
  • Fight Disease: The clinical use of stem cells continues to advance, bringing hope that future stem cell therapies may be able to fight dozens of age-related diseases including heart disease, osteoarthritis, multiple sclerosis, kidney failure, stroke, autoimmune diseases, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and countless other diseases and conditions.
  • Life Extension: Research scientists have established that young mesenchymal (an amazing cell type that can transform into a variety of other types of cells) stem cell transplantation extends the lifespan in mice; a technology that may translate to extending the life of human beings. For long-term access to young, genetically-matched stem cells, we urge you to speak with us about banking stem cells now.