Brow Lift

As the face ages, each of the features undergoes a series of changes. The eyebrows and forehead play an essential role in conveying aging or youthfulness.

When the brow sags, becomes furrowed or is prone to excessive folding, it can give the impression of grumpiness and irritation. It may also impair vision. The forehead can also lose its natural volume with age, becoming hollow and further marring the appearance. 

Luckily, there is an excellent solution. A brow lift improves wrinkle lines, raises sagging eyebrows, and reduces upper eyelid hooding, resulting in a more youthful and refreshed appearance. After a brow lift, clients appear well-rested and engaged, restoring their self-expression and confidence.

Learn More About Brow Lift

There are several procedures at our disposal to address common signs of aging. Blepharoplasty addresses the eyelids, rhinoplasty the nose, and a facelift usually concentrates on the midface and the neck. A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, may be ideal for those with drooping eyebrows and forehead lines.

A good candidate for the brow lift procedure:

  • Suffers from droopy, sagging eyebrows that may impair vision
  • Suffers from forehead furrows, creases, lines, wrinkles, and folds
  • May want to complement another facial procedure, such as a facelift
  • Is healthy, both physically and mentally, with no major medical issues
  • Has formed realistic expectations based on the NYC consultation with Dr. Rapaport

Dr. Rapaport takes a personalized approach to every patient. He offers multiple brow lift techniques, which he then tailors to the individual’s needs. Depending on your preferences, condition, and severity of aging, he may recommend a surgical or non-surgical brow lift procedure.

Non-Surgical Brow Lift with Botox®

Dr. Rapaport strongly prefers to produce subtle enhancement and lifting of the brow using botulinum toxin (Botox®) rather than surgery. Dr. Rapaport believes that brow lifts have been overperformed. A brow that is raised too high produces a very unnatural and surprised look, and a high hairline masculinizes the female face.

Additionally, complications from brow lift incisions are frequent, even incisions from endoscopic or “minimal incision” brow lifts, with hair loss around the scar being a serious problem. From an aesthetic standpoint, Dr. Rapaport prefers even a slightly low brow to the complications and risks noted above.

A Botox® brow lift involves strategically placing botulinum toxin to relax the muscles, which helps pull the forehead downward. These muscles are the procerus (which functions between the eyes) and the orbicularis oculi muscles (which cause crow’s feet and can pull down the tail of the brow). Dr. Rapaport may also strategically inject the forehead muscle so that one portion of the muscle relaxes and the remainder works harder and lifts more. This can be done by relaxing the highest portion of the forehead muscle just below the hairline.

In some cases, one may relax the central portion of the forehead muscle so that the side portions pull harder. This latter technique can result in an unnaturally arched eyebrow, also known as the “Jack Nicholson look.” For this reason, Dr. Rapaport devises a specific injection pattern based on each individual’s specific muscle movement and forehead shape and size to prevent unnatural-looking results.

Surgical Brow Lift

The classic brow lift, also known as the coronal lift, involves an incision across the top of the head from ear to ear. While providing a fairly reliable lift, this technique comes with the problem of a long scar accompanied by numbness in the scalp a few inches behind the scar. Another drawback of this technique is the additional possibility of hair loss. For patients with high hairlines, Dr. Rapaport can modify the brow lift technique so that the scar courses in front of the hairline in the central area of the forehead so as not to raise the hairline further.

Aside from the traditional brow lift technique, there are several minimal incision techniques for brow lifting that may or may not involve using an endoscope. Minimal incision and endoscopic brow lift techniques have reduced scarring and complications.

Dr. Rapaport assesses each patient’s facial aging individually during the initial consultation. He will listen carefully to the patient’s concerns and will recommend a brow lift when he feels it is appropriate. The brow lift technique he recommends will also depend on the anatomy and circumstances of each individual patient.

Brow lifts can be performed on their own or may be combined with facelifts or eyelid surgery. Patients who have a non-surgical brow lift with Botox® may also receive other injectables simultaneously, such as dermal fillers, for comprehensive rejuvenation without surgery. A non-surgical brow lift requires no anesthesia or sedation unless the patient is uncomfortable with needles and requests it. An injection procedure typically takes 30 minutes or less.

Dr. Rapaport generally performs surgical brow lifts with general anesthesia or local anesthesia and IV sedation, administered by his board-certified anesthesiologist. The best anesthesia option will depend on your preferences and the extent of your procedure. For example, general anesthesia will be necessary if you are having a facelift at the same time as your brow lift.

As with most facial rejuvenation surgeries, swelling, bruising, and tenderness should all be expected after an endoscopic brow lift. You may have surgical drains that need to be removed the day after surgery and sutures a week later. Dr. Rapaport may prescribe pain medication for the first few days if needed. Depending on the surgical technique, you may have itching, numbness, or tingling in your scalp.

Most patients can return to work within a week after an endoscopic brow lift. Recovery may take longer after a coronal brow lift, whereas a Botox® brow lift requires no downtime. You should avoid strenuous or vigorous exercise for several weeks after a surgical brow lift.

As the bruising and most noticeable swelling fades in a week or two, patients will notice a smoother, more youthful forehead after a surgical brow lift. However, the final results may take several months to appear. Your eyebrows may initially be higher than normal or slightly asymmetrical, which should resolve when swelling subsides.

The results of a surgical brow lift are long-lasting. Most patients find their brow lift lasts several years before they need another procedure. Surgery cannot stop the aging process, so the forehead will continue to sag over time, but a patient will always look younger after a brow lift than they would have without it.

If you choose to have a non-surgical brow lift with Botox®, optimal results will appear within a couple of weeks as the targeted muscles relax. Botox® typically lasts three to four months. Patients can have maintenance treatments as needed for long-term results.

Take the Next Step

Every patient’s transformation journey at Rapaport Plastic Surgery begins with a detailed consultation with Dr. Rapaport. To learn more about brow lifts and determine if it’s the right choice for you, fill out the form below or call us at (212) 249-9955 to schedule an appointment. Our team is dedicated to providing the best plastic surgery NYC has to offer.

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