Skin Laxity

Your skin faces a lot of stress each day. Sun exposure weakens collagen fibers and damages the surface, while gravity constantly weighs it down. Over time, this damage and stress takes its toll. That’s why loose, sagging skin is a well-known sign of aging.

When your skin loses its elasticity with age, it no longer “bounces back” when stretched or damaged and doesn’t have its youthful firmness. The resulting skin laxity can contribute to jowls, droopy eyelids, wrinkles and folds, bat wings on your upper arms, sagging abdominal skin, and more. No matter how it manifests, skin laxity can have an unwanted effect on your appearance and compromise your confidence. It can even cause physical discomfort and skin irritation. Our team at Rapaport Plastic Surgery can help you prevent, minimize, and treat skin laxity.

Learn More About Skin Laxity

While the primary component of skin laxity is aging, other factors contribute to the problem. Elastin and collagen are essential proteins that give your skin its youthful firmness. Collagen fibers give your skin structure, while elastin gives it elasticity, allowing it to stretch and bounce back as needed. Our bodies naturally produce less and less of these proteins as we age. This leaves our skin with less structure and support. When skin is stretched, a lack of elasticity keeps it from shrinking to its original size, and loose excess is left behind.

The decline in collagen and elastin production is an inevitable part of aging. However, lifestyle and health factors can accelerate the process. Sun damage breaks down elastin and collagen fibers. Consequently, repeated sun exposure causes your skin to age faster, leading to wrinkles, skin laxity, dark spots, and more. Environmental toxins, pollutants, and smoking can also have this effect.

The other common factor in skin laxity is physical changes that cause the skin to stretch. Many people are left with loose, sagging skin after weight loss or pregnancy.

There’s no way to stop the aging process. There are ways to slow it, however, and minimize its effects. Protecting yourself from sun damage is one of the best ways to prevent and improve skin laxity. Stay in the shade, wear high-SPF sunscreen, and consider hats and long sleeves to protect your skin. A healthy lifestyle with quality skincare, no smoking, and a good diet can also keep your skin younger for longer.

Since a decline in collagen is the primary culprit behind skin laxity, skin care and treatments that increase collagen are some of the best ways to combat sagging. Increasing collagen production in the skin is a natural way to pause aging and help turn back the clock.

Rapaport Plastic Surgery offers many treatments that can improve sagging skin and other signs of aging. The best option for you will depend on your goals, skin condition, and specific concerns. For example, loose skin after weight loss typically requires a tummy tuck, while mild to moderate skin laxity from aging and sun damage may be improved with non-surgical methods. Our team will perform a thorough evaluation to create a personalized treatment plan for your needs. We may recommend one or more of the following options.


When skin laxity causes the facial skin to droop, patients experience jowls, deflated cheeks, sagging eyelids, and deep folds. The best way to improve these signs of aging for dramatic, long-lasting results is a facelift. During this procedure, your surgeon will lift and tighten the skin, underlying tissues, and muscles, restoring youthful facial contours. Patients with specific areas of concern, such as the neck or eyelids, may benefit from a neck lift or eyelid lift


This minimally invasive body contouring treatment uses radiofrequency energy for three-dimensional tissue remodeling. By tightening fibers, triggering collagen production, and coagulating fat, it improves loose skin and achieves a more sculpted contour. BodyTite is particularly effective when paired with liposuction. For small treatment areas or facial sagging, we may use the smaller FaceTite device.


Loose, excess skin on the abdomen after weight loss or pregnancy is most effectively addressed with a tummy tuck. This procedure tightens and removes excess skin and can also remove fat or repair torn abdominal muscles if needed.

Non-Surgical Skin-Tightening

We offer several non-surgical options for tightening and skin rejuvenation. Treatments like microneedling, laser resurfacing, and chemical peels may be beneficial for mild skin laxity and complexion concerns. These techniques prompt the body’s natural healing process to increase collagen production. Forma RF is also an effective non-invasive alternative to FaceTite and BodyTite for many patients.

Take the Next Step

Every patient’s transformation journey at Rapaport Plastic Surgery begins with a detailed consultation with Dr. Rapaport. To learn more about skin laxity treatments and determine if it’s the right choice for you, fill out the form below or call us at (212) 249-9955 to schedule an appointment. Our team is dedicated to providing the best plastic surgery NYC has to offer.

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