
Chin enhancement is a commonly performed procedure on both men and women, young and old.

The chin is an important facial landmark that is fundamental in defining a person’s profile. As we age, the chin helps to visually distinguish the face from the neck. Particularly in younger patients, chin enhancement is commonly combined with rhinoplasty to help balance facial proportions.

*Individual results may vary.

Learn More About Chin Augmentation

A strong, well-defined chin and jawline can significantly enhance one’s facial appearance. Individuals who are non-smokers, in good health, and desire a more defined chin may be excellent candidates for chin augmentation. Chin augmentation may also help reduce the appearance of a double chin. Patients with significant submental fat may benefit from an additional treatment, such as Kybella® or neck liposuction, to further improve their jawline and facial profile.

In particular, patients who possess weak chin profiles but have well-functioning jaws are ideal candidates for this procedure. Some of these patients may have experimented with temporary injectable fillers in the past but are now seeking a permanent solution. Dr. Rapaport will evaluate your facial structure and jaw to determine your candidacy for chin augmentation and help you select the best implant.

It’s important to note that chin augmentation isn’t recommended for children under 16 since they are still growing. Likewise, the procedure isn’t recommended for elderly patients who have significant bone loss in the area.

Chin enhancement can be performed surgically by placing an implant or non-surgically with injectable fillers. Chin enhancement can also be performed by reshaping the patient’s own jaw bone. Jaw reshaping procedures are more complex and are usually reserved for severe cases or cases where the entire lower jaw, including the teeth, needs to be advanced forward. Orthognathic surgeons perform these surgeries.

Chin implants are available in various shapes and sizes and are manufactured from solid or semi-solid materials. During your consultation, Dr. Rapaport will discuss your chin augmentation options and work with you to determine which implant best suits your facial proportions. With our surgeons’ expertise, chin augmentation surgery creates a dramatic improvement to the overall facial aesthetics while still appearing entirely natural.

Non-Surgical Chin Augmentation

For those looking for a more modest enhancement or a more gradual change, dermal fillers can often be used to increase the projection of the chin. Dr. Rapaport frequently uses both hyaluronic acid (HA) products, such as Juvederm® Voluma™, and the calcium-based product Radiesse® to perform non-surgical chin augmentation.

Chin augmentation using injectable fillers is also ideal for those who do not yet feel ready to commit to permanent implant placement. By using injectable fillers, patients can explore the degree of projection that they are looking for and can rest assured that if, for whatever reason, they regret the enhancement, it will fade away in the course of a year or can be immediately reversed (in cases where a hyaluronic acid product was used).

Most injectable fillers, such as Radiesse®, can be expected to last about one year. Voluma™ is unique in that its FDA indication states that it can last as long as two years. This and the fact that it can be easily reversed make Voluma™ an attractive injectable option.

Surgical chin augmentation with an implant can be performed via two approaches. The classic approach involves a small incision (about an inch long) under the chin, often in a naturally occurring crease. This approach gives direct access to the mandible (lower jawbone) and is very straightforward. Revisions of prior chin enhancements are typically performed through this incision.

Patients who prefer not to have any visible scar may opt for the approach that uses an incision in the mouth. In this case, the incision is made near, but not in, the lower border of the lower lip. This approach has the advantage of no visible scar whatsoever. Dr. Rapaport has performed many successful chin enhancements using this approach. However, meticulous attention to oral hygiene is required for several days following the procedure. Details regarding post-operative care will be reviewed at the time of your consultation.

Chin implant surgery generally takes between 45 and 90 minutes and is done as an outpatient procedure in Dr. Rapaport’s fully accredited on-site surgical facility in Manhattan. Chin augmentation can often be performed under local anesthesia, with IV sedation if needed.

Patients find that recovery after chin implant surgery is fairly quick and easy. You can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort. Eating soft foods and liquid for the first few days is best to limit jaw movement. Patients can typically go back to work in a week or less. Most patients, if they have the operation on Friday, will be back at work by Monday. You should avoid strenuous activities and exercise for approximately two weeks.

After the surgery, the chin implant will create immediate volume for a more defined, projected chin. Swelling and bruising may initially obscure the improvements, however. Patients can appreciate optimal results from chin augmentation surgery after several weeks when all swelling has subsided.

Chin implants are designed to last a lifetime. When placed properly by an experienced surgeon like Dr. Rapaport, the implant should not shift or move. You can have it removed later if needed, however.

Take the Next Step

Every patient’s transformation journey at Rapaport Plastic Surgery begins with a detailed consultation with Dr. Rapaport. To learn more about chin augmentation and determine if it’s the right choice for you, fill out the form below or call us at (212) 249-9955 to schedule an appointment. Our team is dedicated to providing the best plastic surgery NYC has to offer.

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