
A defined jawline and smooth, contoured neck are highly sought-after features.

A strong jawline is often considered masculine, while a slim neck creates a feminine appearance. For many people, fat under the chin steals these ideal traits. Even people at a healthy weight may have stubborn submental fat that creates a double chin.

We are proud to be among the first practices in New York to have offered Kybella®. This FDA-approved injectable makes it easy to eliminate a double chin without anesthesia or surgery.

*Individual results may vary.

Learn More About Kybella®

Double chins (known in the medical community as “submental fullness”) may affect adult women and men of different ages and weights. Both the aging process and genetics contribute to submental fullness. Whatever the cause, submental fullness is a common concern. In a recent survey, 68% of respondents said they were bothered by their double chin.

Fortunately, almost anyone bothered by a double chin is a good candidate for Kybella®. Candidates should not be pregnant or nursing or have an infection at the injection site. Dr. Rapaport will evaluate your condition and discuss your goals to determine if this treatment is suitable for you. If needed, he may recommend an alternative fat reduction treatment like CoolSculpting®.

Kybella® is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance that destroys fat cells in the targeted area. Deoxycholic acid is a bile enzyme that breaks down and absorbs dietary fat. When this synthetic version is injected under the chin, Kybella® gradually reduces submental fat for a slimmer neck and more defined jawline. The inflammatory process that Kybella triggers also has a tightening effect.

The destruction of the submental fat cells prevents that area from storing or accumulating fat in the future. Most patients need three to six monthly treatments to achieve the desired results. Once the series is complete, re-treatment is usually not necessary, 

Sometimes, Kybella® can also be used for fat reduction in other small fatty bulges, such as the front of underarms or fat around the knee. Excess fat accumulation in these areas can be particularly difficult to target with exercise.

Dr. Rapaport will perform a thorough assessment to determine where to make the injections and how many vials of product will be needed. He will mark the injection sites on your neck for strategic distribution. We will then apply topical anesthetic according to your preferences, which may take some time to take effect.

The injection procedure typically takes around 15 minutes and involves several small injections. With a topical anesthetic, discomfort is minimal, and we also offer sedation options for those who are extremely uncomfortable with needles.

Unlike surgical solutions for unwanted fat, such as liposuction, Kybella® has minimal side effects and requires little to no downtime. Patients can typically resume their usual activities immediately after the treatment. There may be mild swelling and bruising at the injection sites for a few days. Occasionally, a patient may have more significant swelling that lasts a few weeks. This is rare, but we recommend having Kybella® at least a few weeks before any big events in case of unexpected swelling. 

Dr. Rapaport and his team will give detailed aftercare instructions. Patients can apply ice to the treatment area a few times daily to help reduce swelling. Avoid strenuous exercise and heat for a few days, as these can worsen the swelling.

The results of Kybella® are gradual since it takes time for the deoxycholic acid to break down fat cells and your body to absorb them. Most patients start to see results after the first two treatments. Optimal results are visible in a few months after a completed series of treatments.

One of the things patients love about Kybella® is its permanent effects. Since Kybella® permanently destroys submental fat cells, the results are long-lasting. Weight gain can cause submental fullness to reoccur, making a healthy lifestyle essential for long-term success.

Take the Next Step

Every patient’s transformation journey at Rapaport Plastic Surgery begins with a detailed consultation with Dr. Rapaport. To learn more about Kybella® and determine if it’s the right choice for you, fill out the form below or call us at (212) 249-9955 to schedule an appointment. Our team is dedicated to providing the best plastic surgery NYC has to offer.

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