Excess Fat

Maintaining a healthy weight and a figure that is proportionate throughout is not always so simple. Many people would like a more contoured body, but many variables can make it nearly impossible to achieve without intervention due to genetics or environmental factors.

At Rapaport Plastic Surgery, we believe in helping patients reach their aesthetic goals with effective, personalized plans that take into account not only available treatment options but also one’s lifestyle and preferences.

Learn More About Excess Fat

We all know the overall method for losing weight: exercise and a healthy diet. Exercising burns calories while also increasing muscle mass and boosting your metabolism. Decreasing your calorie intake and prioritizing foods your body can turn into energy instead of fat improves this process.

However, weight loss isn’t always as simple as a diet and gym membership. Several other factors can contribute to your body fat percentage and make it harder or easier to lose weight. Age, genetics, hormones, medical conditions, and lifestyle can all affect weight loss.

Moreover, many people find that certain areas of stubborn fat linger even after they reach their ideal weight. You may lose weight overall, but some belly fat or love handles won’t budge. It’s common to have localized fat deposits at a healthy weight. These small areas of stubborn fat may not be a health concern, but they can keep you from your body goals. Patients in this situation are often ideal candidates for body sculpting treatments to target these stubborn fat pockets.

If you want to conquer specific areas of fat to achieve a more contoured figure, there are several fat reduction and body sculpting procedures that can help. We offer both surgical and non-surgical options to help you feel confident in a slim, toned body.

We pride ourselves on using the latest technology and techniques to offer convenient, effective treatment options. Body sculpting treatments like liposuction and CoolSculpting® permanently destroy unwanted fat cells, making them an effective way to reduce fat in specific areas. Often, patients also benefit from skin-tightening treatments like Bodytite for better results and a firmer, more sculpted appearance.

Dr. Rapaport is a board-certified plastic surgeon with decades of experience. His team members perform various cutting-edge cosmetic procedures and are considered true experts in body contouring. The team at Rapaport Plastic Surgery offers surgical options like liposuction and tummy tucks for dramatic results, as well as non-invasive fat reduction with CoolSculpting®.


Liposuction is typically the most effective, long-lasting solution for unwanted fat. The procedure is performed with local or general anesthesia. Through small incisions, Dr. Rapaport uses a cannula to suction out the unwanted fat. He also offers multiple technologies for a gentler, more efficient treatment ideal for some patients, such as VASER lipo. Liposuction can also be included in other procedures, such as a tummy tuck or mommy makeover, for comprehensive improvements.


For patients seeking a non-surgical body contouring option, CoolSculpting® is a safe, effective, FDA-cleared device that uses cryolipolysis to freeze unwanted fat. The treatment requires no anesthesia, incisions, or downtime. CoolSculpting® can reduce fat by up to 25% in the treated area, yielding visible results within a few months. Since the frozen fat cells are permanently removed from the body, the results typically last as long as you maintain a stable weight.

CoolSculpting® Elite

CoolSculpting® Elite is an advanced form of CoolSculpting® with redesigned applicators allowing faster, more efficient treatment. We can treat multiple areas of the body simultaneously with this innovative device, from a double chin to thigh fat.

Take the Next Step

Every patient’s transformation journey at Rapaport Plastic Surgery begins with a detailed consultation with Dr. Rapaport. To learn more about body contouring treatments and determine if it’s the right choice for you, fill out the form below or call us at (212) 249-9955 to schedule an appointment. Our team is dedicated to providing the best plastic surgery NYC has to offer.

Ready to book a consultation or treatment? Just click the Book Now button below to schedule online.