
Your skin is constantly changing. It removes old, damaged cells and creates healthy new ones to replace them. This regenerative process keeps your complexion bright and is essential for healing damage.

Unfortunately, your skin’s healing capabilities can’t always keep up with the wear and tear it faces each day, especially as you age. Dead skin cells may pile up and dull your complexion, and inflammation may leave lasting marks like acne scars.

That’s where skin resurfacing treatments like dermaplaning come in to give your skin a boost. By clearing away the top layers of damaged skin, dermaplaning reveals a brighter, clearer complexion free of peach fuzz.

Learn More About Dermaplaning

This simple in-office skin rejuvenation treatment is ideal for almost anyone. Though it’s similar to exfoliating treatments like microdermabrasion and light chemical peels, dermaplaning is gentler and less likely to irritate sensitive skin. Dermaplaning is safe and effective for almost all skin types. The treatment may be particularly beneficial for those bothered by acne scars, peach fuzz, sun damage, fine lines, or dull or dry skin.

We may not recommend dermaplaning for those with active skin conditions like acne, rosacea, or eczema. Dr. Rapaport or one of our skin experts at Rapaport Plastic Surgery will evaluate your skin and discuss your goals to help you determine if dermaplaning is right for you.

Dermaplaning is a simple procedure where your provider uses a scalpel to scrape away old skin cells and peach fuzz (vellus hairs). A surgical scalpel allows for deeper sloughing than razors or other at-home methods, yielding better results. A professional should always perform the treatment to avoid damaging the skin.

Like exfoliating, dermaplaning helps clear clogged pores and remove built-up damage or debris. Scraping away the damaged surface layers can also minimize wrinkles, fine lines, and acne scarring, leaving a smoother texture and more even skin tone. 

Dermaplaning can be a standalone treatment to enhance your skin or be combined with other treatments for optimal results. We often recommend dermaplaning with a chemical peel for the best exfoliation.

Your dermaplaning treatment at Rapaport Plastic Surgery will be quick and convenient. First, your provider will prep and clean your skin. 

One of our skin specialists will slide a surgical scalpel over your skin with short strokes. This typically takes 20-30 minutes and should be painless. After, we may apply a soothing gel or mask to moisturize your skin and calm any redness. Alternatively, we may apply a chemical peel or perform another treatment after dermaplaning since your skin will have improved penetrability.

Dermaplaning doesn’t require any downtime, making it a convenient lunch break procedure that won’t interrupt your daily routine. Patients may have mild redness or inflammation, which should fade within two or three days. Keep your skin moisturized during this time, and wear sunscreen, as your skin will be extra sensitive to sun damage. You may want to avoid exfoliation and harsh skincare products for a few days while your skin heals. Your provider at Rapaport Plastic Surgery will explain what to expect and how to take care of your skin.

Resurfacing the skin with dermaplaning clears away dead skin cells and vellus hair that can make your complexion dull and uneven. It also helps reduce the appearance of acne scars and fine lines. Most patients notice a more radiant complexion immediately after dermaplaning, with the best results once redness fades in a day or two. Dermaplaning also makes your skin more able to absorb, increasing the effectiveness of your skincare products and enhancing the overall results. Removing peach fuzz makes it easier to apply makeup and achieve a smooth finish.

While the brightening effects of dermaplaning are visible after each treatment, it may take a series of treatments to improve acne scars and wrinkles. Once you achieve your desired results, we recommend maintenance treatments every six to eight weeks. Keep in mind that vellus hair will grow back in approximately three weeks.

Take the Next Step

Every patient’s transformation journey at Rapaport Plastic Surgery begins with a detailed consultation. To learn more about dermaplaning and determine if it’s the right choice for you, fill out the form below or call us at (212) 249-9955 to schedule an appointment. Our team is dedicated to providing the best plastic surgery NYC has to offer.

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