RESONIC™ Cellulite

Cellulite, which refers to an irregular, often “cottage cheese” like appearance, primarily of the buttocks and thighs, is a condition that affects between 80-90% of women.

Fortunately, a new cutting-edge FDA-cleared cellulite treatment has arrived: RESONIC™. Dr. David P. Rapaport’s practice was one of only a handful of centers worldwide selected to launch this new treatment. RESONIC™ uses shockwave technology to treat cellulite non-invasively in an easy-to-tolerate treatment with no downtime!

Learn More About RESONIC™ Cellulite Treatment

Though cellulite is completely normal and harmless, many women don’t like the way it looks. While weight loss, exercise, and skin care products might slightly reduce the condition, none of these efforts can truly treat cellulite. You can have cellulite regardless of weight, age, or lifestyle. 

Most patients who want to reduce cellulite are ideal candidates for one of our cellulite treatments. Because RESONIC™ is non-invasive, very well tolerated, and involves no downtime, it is generally the front-line treatment we recommend for cellulite, regardless of severity. The severity of the cellulite will determine the number of RESONIC™ sessions recommended for maximum results.

Various factors, including hormonal fluctuations, genetics, and age-related weight change, may cause cellulite. These factors can be considered triggers for cellulite since, regardless of the cause, all cellulite shares the same physiology.

In areas of the body affected by cellulite, beneath the skin’s surface is fibrous connective tissue called fibrous septae. These columns of tough tissue tether the skin to the muscles below it. Over time, these columns get thicker and pull the skin further downward, resulting in the dimples commonly seen in cellulite. Concurrently, fatty tissue may accumulate between the fibrous connective tissue and push upward toward the skin’s surface, producing peaks. Finally, as the skin gradually becomes thin with age, any unevenness caused by cellulite appears even more prominent.

Since skin health and fat buildup can worsen the appearance of cellulite, skin tightening and body contouring treatments can help minimize the condition. But the only way to treat cellulite itself is to release the fibrous septae pulling down on the skin.

The RESONIC™ technology does this by delivering shockwaves that disrupt the septae. Unlike other cellulite treatments, RESONIC™ leaves the skin intact and requires no incisions. As the shockwaves break apart the fibrous septae, tension is released on the skin, and dimples gradually disappear.

RESONIC™ is a non-invasive procedure that requires no anesthesia, incisions, or downtime. The treatment platform emits high-frequency shockwaves that safely penetrate the skin tissue, targeting the tougher fibrous collagen columns causing cellulite. Its Rapid Acoustic Pulse technology (RAP) generates 100 shockwaves per second to sever the unwanted fibrous septae while leaving the surrounding skin tissue intact and unaffected, resulting in smoother, younger-looking skin.

This state-of-the-art treatment is not painful. You might experience mild discomfort during the initial phases of treatment, but this goes away as the body becomes accustomed to the shockwaves. Treatment sessions typically take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes.

No downtime or recovery period is required after RESONIC™ treatments, allowing you to get right back to your daily routine. Patients may experience mild side effects, such as redness or tingling in the treated area, that will resolve quickly and will not hinder their ability to perform everyday activities. Compared to other cellulite treatments on the market, RESONIC™ has the fewest side effects, the shortest recovery period, and is hands down the least invasive.

You can expect noticeable improvements in cellulite within three months of a single RESONIC™ treatment. Patients typically require multiple treatments for maximum improvement, with treatment sessions completed four to six weeks apart. Cellulite in multiple areas of the body may require treatment over multiple sessions or an extended treatment session of up to 90 minutes.

In clinical studies, patients were still satisfied with their RESONIC™ results several months later. Additional treatments may be needed later to maintain your smoother, firmer contours. RESONIC™ is growing in popularity for its many benefits, including:

  • 93% patient satisfaction rate.
  • Improvement has been noted after even one treatment session. Additional treatments can produce additional improvement.
  • No side effects and no recovery downtime required.
  • Treatment sessions last approximately 30 to 60 minutes.
  • Restores a youthful & smooth appearance to the skin.
  • Resonic is non-invasive—no blades, incisions, or injections are required.
  • Dramatically reduces the appearance of cellulite in common problem areas.

Take the Next Step

Every patient’s transformation journey at Rapaport Plastic Surgery begins with a detailed consultation with Dr. Rapaport. To learn more about RESONIC™ and determine if it’s the right choice for you, fill out the form below or call us at (212) 249-9955 to schedule an appointment. Our team is dedicated to providing the best plastic surgery NYC has to offer.

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