What Procedures Are Included in a Mommy Makeover?

November 10, 2022

If you’re ready to restore features of your  body that changed significantly with pregnancy, Dr. Rapaport and our team at Rapaport Plastic Surgery can help. A mommy makeover can give you a figure that looks as good or even better than it did pre-pregnancy. This popular, customizable procedure treats multiple areas in one surgery for less recovery and balanced, natural-looking results.  

What is a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover is a general term for a procedure that combines all your targets for improvement after pregnancy and childbirth. A mommy makeover can be any combination of surgical and non-surgical procedures performed to restore a mother’s body. Along with addressing the expected results of pregnancy, like changes to the breasts and abdomen, a mommy makeover can also treat areas like the face that may be showing signs of stress. 

What Procedures Are Included in a Mommy Makeover?

We will choose the procedures to include in your mommy makeover based on your concerns and desired results. Our team at Rapaport Plastic Surgery will make recommendations based on experience in creating a sculpted, proportionate figure. Procedures involved in a mommy makeover may include:

Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck

The most dramatic effects of pregnancy often affect the abdomen. Loose skin and stretch marks contribute to the problem, but we also consider the abdominal muscles. These muscles can become loose and stretched during pregnancy. Correcting them tightens the abdomen and reduces the appearance of a belly bulge. 

Breast Enhancement

Your breasts will usually change noticeably during pregnancy. You might observe that your breasts lose volume post-pregnancy, resulting in a flatter, drooping appearance. A mommy makeover often includes breast augmentation or breast lift, or a combination of both. You may find that your nipples and areolas have also changed, which can be corrected during the procedure. 


If you have accumulated stubborn fat during pregnancy, liposuction can help. We may choose to perform liposuction alone or as part of other procedures like a tummy tuck. Liposuction can target areas such as the thighs, flanks, neck, and more. It works almost anywhere you want to see additional sculpting and fat removal. If you have skin laxity, we may recommend combining your liposuction treatment with BodyTite, as well as non-invasive tightening procedures such as Forma or Evoke. 

Non-Surgical Treatments

Non-surgical treatment options include skin tightening, cellulite reduction, and other methods for improving your skin’s texture and tone. You may also benefit from injectable treatments such as dermal fillers or wrinkle relaxers to provide a softer, more refreshed look. 

What is Recovery Like After a Mommy Makeover?

Recovery from a mommy makeover varies widely depending on the types of procedures included. Liposuction has remarkably little downtime, whereas breast enhancement and abdominoplasty patients will usually have supportive garments to wear after surgery, and you may have surgical drains for up to a week following a tummy tuck. More invasive surgeries such as a tummy tuck will require a longer recovery time than minimally invasive or non-surgical treatment plans.   

You will have follow-up appointments with our team to monitor your progress. We will advise you when you may return to work and resume other activities. A full abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) takes the longest to recover due to the combination of repairing the abdominal muscles and removing excess skin. Follow all recovery instructions carefully to avoid complications. 

Am I a Good Candidate For a Mommy Makeover? 

A mommy makeover typically involves several surgical procedures, so candidates should have all health conditions under management by their doctor. Good candidates want to address multiple pregnancy-related changes with one surgery. Mommy makeover candidates should have no plans for immediate future pregnancies and should be at least six months past the last one. 

Take the Next Step

If you want to learn more about mommy makeovers, reach out today to schedule your consultation or call us today at (212) 249-9955