Am I a Candidate for Liposuction? 

January 15, 2023

While non-surgical body sculpting can remove some pockets of fat for a more sleek figure, many people desire a level of shaping and contouring that these treatments cannot provide. Liposuction is considered the gold standard treatment for body sculpting. It can remove stubborn fat all over your body to achieve your aesthetic goals. 

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a fat removal procedure that breaks up and suctions away fat. It uses a thin tool called a cannula inserted through tiny access points. Your surgeon moves the cannula to disrupt the fat cells and remove them. The procedure addresses fat from targeted areas to help contour your body fat and adjust your natural fatty proportions, the genetically-determined way your body stores fat. 

Am I a Candidate for Liposuction? 

Experienced surgeons make liposuction a safe, effective treatment. Your Rapaport Plastic Surgery team has almost three decades of experience performing liposuction in their accredited New York surgical facility. Good candidates for liposuction are at or near their goal weight but have pockets of difficult fat. People with more body fat can still benefit but will not achieve the same level of body sculpting. 

Good candidates for liposuction should not have any health problems that would make the procedure less safe. During your consultation, your plastic surgeon will take a detailed medical history. Since your team uses local or IV sedation instead of general anesthesia, risks to your health are much lower. 

How is Liposuction Performed?

Your experienced surgeon only uses liposuction treatments they have found to be effective and provide superior results. You can expect a treatment plan that addresses your concerns and achieves smooth, even, natural-looking results.

Tumescent Liposuction

This gold-standard liposuction method uses a sterile fluid containing a lidocaine solution. Lidocaine acts as a general anesthetic, but it also decreases bleeding. The fluid protects your tissues from bruising or injury, making your recovery faster and easier. Tumescent liposuction works almost anywhere on the body for fat removal and contouring. 

VASER Liposuction

VASER liposuction uses a thin tool that releases pulses of energy into the fat cells. This process emulsifies the fat cells, making them easily removed with a cannula. VASER works well in areas where people want a precise level of sculpting to highlight and define muscles. 

The liposuction technology matters less than your surgeon’s skill and artistry. An experienced liposuction surgeon contours your body’s fatty areas to change your proportions and improve the appearance of excess fat. 

What Is Recovery Like After Liposuction?

Your surgeon’s techniques minimize healing time to keep liposuction from disrupting your life. Most people return to work and other activities after a day or two.People with larger amounts of fat removed may need a few extra days to recover completely. Your tiny incisions will heal quickly and leave a nearly invisible scar. 

What Results Will I See With Liposuction?

You will notice a difference immediately after your liposuction procedure. However, full results can take a few weeks to appear as any residual swelling fades. Since fat cells do not grow back, you can expect your results to last a lifetime. However, since fat cells behave like tiny, flexible containers that can store fat, those remaining can store more fat if your weight increases. 

Take the Next Step

If you want to learn more about liposuction, reach out today to schedule your consultation or call us today at (212) 249-9955.